First and foremost I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of our members who have continuously supported the Medicare EMR Community Upliftment Project by subscribing to the membership program. Your support has meant a great deal to me and the community of Franschhoek.

On the 6th November 2011 Medicare EMR turned 5 and boy have we been busy! From expanding businesses and welcoming new team members, moving offices and home and the occasional drama (more on that a bit later) we have definitely not been resting on our laurels.

It is also with great sadness that we have had to say goodbye to Peter Rhymer who passed away due to a massive stroke. He has been one of our greatest supporters and he will be sorely missed. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank his family who donated all his old medical equipment to us. Not only does it have great practical value but there are some real historical treasures amongst the items. We promise to take very good care of it.

With all this excitement that’s been happening it is good to remember that without the support from the community over the past five years, Medicare EMR would not have been able to attend to 2000+ emergencies and would not have had opportunities to change people’s lives in a big way, for this I thank you



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