This winter has been so busy. MakeSense has many new projects in the pipeline as well as we are looking forward to working again this season with some of our great clients, Rocking the Daisies, PsynOpticz Productions,Equinox Experience, Jungala Festival, {psy.ology} records, Native Sound,Groovy Troopers, Alien Safari, NANO RECORDS, Earthdance Cape Town,Earthdance Nairobi, 6:AM ENTERTAINMENT, Synergy Live, Silkdesign,Seed Experiences, THE MIX ROOM, Fourth Dimension, Kilowatt AV,Artescape as well as many new clients.
And a big thank you to our suppliers for always being there and providing excellent service, Enviro Wildfire Outdoor Events, Medicare EMR, Cape Sound, as well as all our amazing crew that work the hard long hours and make all our projects possible.
Keep posted for all the details for this coming season!